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Custom fields now available within matters.Cloud

We are pleased to announce that custom fields are now available within matters.Cloud.

Custom fields allow firms to capture data that isn't part of the 'out-of-the-box' data model. They allow firms to capture information that is specific to the way they operate whilst keeping the user experience consistent and simple to use for all users of the platform.

Support for custom fields has been added to the following entities:

  • Matters

  • Organizations*

  • Contacts*

  • Opporturnities

*Custom fields setup for either Organizations or Contacts will also be displayed on the relevant Client record.

Setting up new custom fields is straightforward and doesn't require any pre-requisite technical experience. Users can simply navigate to the relevant menu item in setup and create a new field in a a few clicks.

matters.Cloud utilizes a separate database per customer of the platform and any custom fields you define will only be available within your specific tenant, ensuring that data is kept secure.

Please see the slide show below for examples of the new capabilities:

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